My Great grand Dad had land on the Mulberry river close to Cass. The old family cenetery is still there. He had a set of twin daughters and one was killed by two men that was going to rob the house. I have been told that he found the twn men and took them to a place called the hanging rocks,two tall rocks just wide enouth to run a horse between with a beam on top of the rocks.I have been there and seen this very cool!
Hi! My name is Ronnie Smith. My Cabin is the 1st one on warehouse rd going to the Russell farm. My friend Ron owns the place, now. I Live and Love Cass, Ar. and it's history! There used to be another Cabin across the road in front of our Cass Cabin. There was a woman and a child that burned up in that Cabin and they are buried under a big rock, there! Our Cabin was built by the 1st Game Warden that lived at Cass? Thank You!
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My Great grand Dad had land on the Mulberry river close to Cass. The old family cenetery is still there. He had a set of twin daughters and one was killed by two men that was going to rob the house. I have been told that he found the twn men and took them to a place called the hanging rocks,two tall rocks just wide enouth to run a horse between with a beam on top of the rocks.I have been there and seen this very cool!
Hi! My name is Ronnie Smith. My Cabin is the 1st one on warehouse rd going to the Russell farm. My friend Ron owns the place, now. I Live and Love Cass, Ar. and it's history! There used to be another Cabin across the road in front of our Cass Cabin. There was a woman and a child that burned up in that Cabin and they are buried under a big rock, there! Our Cabin was built by the 1st Game Warden that lived at Cass? Thank You!
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